[Kde-i18n-fa] Farewell

Mohammad Ebrahim Mohammadi Panah mebrahim at gmail.com
Sun Feb 10 12:57:27 CET 2008

فکر می کنم انگیزهٔ ما (من و شما و بقیه) اونقدر قوی و محکم هست که به خاطر یک
نام از کل کار دست نکشیم.
اگر بین ما باشید و بتونیم از حضورتون و از تجربیاتتون استفاده کنیم خیلی
خوشحال می شیم.
به هر حال اگر تو این مدت رنجشی پیش اومده یا ... حلالمون کن

2008/2/10 Arash Bizhan zadeh <arashbi at gmail.com>:

> Hi guys,
> I got really tired of all this, so I decided to leave, good like for you
> and your Persian KDE.
> There is some point though I wanted to share as a friend, who spent some
> more days on open source communities:
> - ML is not a chat room. When you are discussing some issue, try to answer
> all the concerns one-by-one and then clarify your points, it is not a good
> idea to just post an unrelated answer. This is not how you can come to a
> conclusion.
> - In the middle of a discussion, it is not a good idea to writ something
> like { kuchikam mokhlesam ...}; we do not need that! We are a bunch of
> friends trying to accomplish something which we consider useful, no body
> needs and likes this kind of stuff here.
> - Regarding respect, it is easy to agree with somebody wen you like the
> idea, respect is when you *do not agree but accept* it. This is how you
> show your respect to the people who is sharing the same goal as yours and
> were there before you and worked hard and accomplish something. This is how
> you can show you respect to somebody like Arash Zeini who put two years of
> his life translating and debugging KDE. Who established this all when just a
> few people in Iran had even heard about Linux.( FYI he holds a degree in
> Linguistic and eastern studies and he had a good reason for choosing the
> name even if we could not understand it).
> Good luck and  looking forward to see the Farsi KDE 4. And please mail me
> in person if you could come up with a good repository of synonyms
> Regards,
> Arash Bizhanadeh
> --
> You can not depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.

        Mohammad Ebrahim Mohammadi Panah
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