[Kde-i18n-fa] FarsiKDE

Aryan Ameri a.ameri at linuxiran.org
Fri May 23 23:43:23 CEST 2003

On Friday 23 May 2003 17:55, Hossein S. Zadeh wrote:
> On Fri, 23 May 2003, Payam bahraini wrote:
> > Would you please explain the CVS option further?( That
> > takes no time to download the whole !)
> CVS stands for Concurrent Version Control (which probably doesn't
> mean much the first time you hear it).

> OK, let me explain:
> I have set up a CVS server which I use for all of my documents (more
> than 1.5GB of data!). I have "check out" my files on my workstation
> (at work), on my computer at home, and on my laptop.
[...big snip on advantages of CVS]

Yeah, (unlike Linus Torvalds)  I agree that a versioning system, such as 
CVS is great, and it can come handy at many times. But you see Hossein, 
you do have a CVS server in which your repository is hosted, and I 
guess you also have a high speed internet connection, because usually 
tranfering megabytes of data with dialup is no fun. Your explanation 
shows how usefull controll system is, even for users (not just 

But stiil most of us, like me, don't have that CVS server and that high 
speed internet connection. So although many users like to get rid of 
CDs and managing multiple versions of the same document and backing up 
files and so on, still we just can't do it, and we have to cope living 
without CVS ;-(

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Aryan Ameri

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