[kde-i18n-el] Ενημέρωση stable και trunk

Spiros Georgaras sngeorgaras at otenet.gr
Mon Jan 23 23:40:49 CET 2006

On Monday 23 January 2006 23:43 Stephan Kulow wrote:
> On Monday, 23. January 2006 19:06, Spiros Georgaras wrote:
> > Hi all
> > I have just been asked by a member of the Greek l10n team: can we commit
> > last minute changes in tags/KDE/3.5.1/kde-i18n/el/ ?
> Technically you're not restricted from it. But it makes zero sense as the
> tag is just there to represent what has been released as 3.5.1. So unless
> your team member wants to take over release management of kde-i18n-el, he
> better sticks to schedules and the given l10n locations.
> > As I have understood it, the tags content is just a copy of stable at a
> > given time (and people cannot commit there), but I thought I should ask
> I commit there when I move the tag. But I only do that when I also update
> the release tar balls. And I do this only for translations if a build
> failure happens as everything with kde-i18n takes _ages_.
> Greetings, Stephan

Καλησπέρα και πάλι

Παραπάνω είναι η απάντηση στην ερώτησή μου σχετικά με το commit στο tags


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