[kde-i18n-el] Fwd: KOffice 1.5's translations now in branches/stable/l10n
Spiros Georgaras
sngeorgaras at otenet.gr
Tue Feb 28 22:31:44 CET 2006
Για την ενημέρωσή σας
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Subject: KOffice 1.5's translations now in branches/stable/l10n
Date: Tuesday 28 February 2006 23:28
From: Nicolas Goutte <nicolasg at snafu.de>
To: kde-i18n-doc at kde.org
The translations for KOffice 1.5 are now in branches/stable/l10n
I have adapted Scripty's scripts and copied the POT files (but not the PO
files). (Scripty will merge tomorrow, in round 19 hours, it will have
That way it becomes easy for you, the translators, to translate both for KDE
3.5.2 and KOffice 1.5 in the same module branches/stable/l10n.
Note that I have changed the rythmn of check_po_files to test again mainly
the stable branchand not trunk (trunk only on Wednesday).
Have a nice day!
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