GCompris Afrikaans translation

Johnny Jazeix jazeix at gmail.com
Sat Feb 1 18:15:06 GMT 2025


thank you for your interest!

In order to translate GCompris, we first need to have a few files in
KDE fully translated:
They were started but are not completed.

Once translated, feel free to send them to me so I update the repository.
Then, regarding GCompris itself, we have this wiki page
explaining which files to translate and what are their uses.

Do you need help with how the translation workflow works? If you have
any question feel free to ask (I'm one of GCompris maintainer)!


Le sam. 1 févr. 2025 à 15:56, MJ Bezuidenhout <mjbez at outlook.com> a écrit :
> Good day,
> I would like to enquire about the process to contribute an Afrikaans translation for GCompris. I see there isn't a translation team for Afrikaans yet.
> Best regards,
> Matthys Bezuidenhout

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