Minutes from i18n BoF in Akademy 2024

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Tue Sep 10 09:23:42 BST 2024

El dilluns, 9 de setembre del 2024, a les 22:30:19 (CEST), Karl Ove Hufthammer 
va escriure:
> Shinjo Park skreiv 09.09.2024 11:41:
> > SPDX
> > - We want to support SPDX in the PO files
> > - Lokalize has SPDX support
> > - gettext SPDX support is required, but we can do it in our tooling
> > - Git commit hooks to enforce SPDX? CI job in GitLab is doable
> I don’t think enforcing SPDX (yet) is a good idea. People might use
> other software than Lokalize (e.g., Poedit), that doesn’t support SPDX.
> Or they might even use older versions of Lokalize, which didn’t have
> SPDX support. Also, the current version of Lokalize only writes SPDX
> strings for the *current* translator, not for any previous translators.

Yes, we recognize there's lots of software out there that handles .po files 
and doesn't speak SPDX.

The enforcing part here was more an idea of adding the SPDX headers to the 
file (possibly at scripty time or some secondary other time) based on the 
existing .po file copyright headers.

> > Translation of Qt
> > - Contribution to Qt translation is even harder than KDE's
> That’s my experience too. Some years ago, I managed to get an initial
> translation into Qt. But I haven’t managed to get an update in, since
> there are no one that can review and approve translations for my
> language. So I’ve given up. I think getting a translation into Qt is
> only possible for the largest, most popular languages.

Please add my user to the reviews in https://codereview.qt-project.org and we 
will try to make some noise about it.


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