Please test Lokalize master (if you can)

fin-w at fin-w at
Tue Oct 29 23:57:51 GMT 2024

For me with the l10n-support/nn data and after directly compiling the Lokalize versions myself:
Qt5 Lokalize (fb45c1ad) first time opening after compiling: ~6.5 secs
Subsequent times: ~5.5 secs

Qt6 Lokalize (d59717e8) first time opening after compiling: ~9 secs
Subsequent times: ~7 secs

The git main branch of Lokalize takes ~10 secs every time.

I tested these numbers a few times and they're fairly stable.

Oct 27, 2024, 13:08 by karl at

> Albert Astals Cid skreiv 21.10.2024      22:35:
>>> Karl Ove Hufthammer skreiv 12.07.2024 16:36:
>>>> I did a small test, an opening a project (with many files) seems to bemuch slower than in the old version. The time from launching Lokalizeto all files being read and indexed is ~31 seconds with the versionfrom Git master, compared to ~14 seconds with the KF5 version. I havetested this multiple times (to avoid caching having an effect). Notethat the KF5 version used was the latest openSUSE Tumbleweed package;I did not compile it myself.
>>> Part of the slowdown may be caused by compiler settings. But I have nowtried compiling older versions myself, and I still find a (somewhatsmaller) speed difference between the KF5 and KF6 versions. I did a Gitbisect, and the slowdown seems to have been introduced in this commit:commit d59717e896c42f930c7dde66eea8406177fb9f4b (HEAD)Author: Volker Krause >>> <vkrause at> <mailto:vkrause at>>>> Date:   Wed Jul 10 17:38:56 2024 +0200    Switch build system to KF6 and drop Qt5 support
>> Are you sure this is not caused by a debug vs release build?
> Yes, I’m certain that this is real issue, introduced in the KF6      port. I have tested with a build using the same settings for both      versions.
>> Can you describe what "opening a project (with many files)" is exactly?
> Try this:
> Download an example translation project:
> svn co > svn+ssh://
> Fetch the old (KF5) Lokalize version using this command inside the      Lokalize repository:
> git switch --detach fb45c1ad
> Compile and launch the application. Then open the project file      nn/kde-nynorsk.lokalize, and time how long it takes to finish      opening the project. The very first time, it may take an extra      long time, so ignore this measurement. Close the project and      reopen multiple times to get accurate measurements.
> Then try the same using the new (KF6) Lokalize version (the next      commit after fb45c1ad):
> git switch --detach d59717e8
> On my system, the KF5 version takes about 10 seconds to open the      project (average of three measurements, ignoring the first after      compiling). The KF6 version takes about 17 seconds, i.e. 70%      longer.
> -- Karl Ove Hufthammer

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