Non-unique plasma_engine_devicenotifications

Łukasz Wojniłowicz lukasz.wojnilowicz at
Sun Jun 2 08:41:02 BST 2024

On Sat, 01 Jun 2024 09:24:58 +0200
Albert Astals Cid <aacid at> wrote:

>El dijous, 30 de maig del 2024, a les 12:16:38 (CEST), Łukasz
>Wojniłowicz va escriure:
>> Hi all,
>> I got a following error when trying to posummit .. scatter. How
>> should I proceed?
>> --- CUT HERE ---
>> posummit: [error] Non-unique summit catalog
>> 'plasma_engine_devicenotifications', found as: ...
>> pl/summit/messages/plasma-workspace/plasma_engine_devicenotifications.po
>> ...
>> pl/summit/messages/plasma5support/plasma_engine_devicenotifications.po
>> --- CUT HERE ---  
>You have some extra files in your summit
>Testing files of pl...
>pl/summit/messages/kdepim-addons/kitinerary6.po is a .po without .pot
>is a .po without .pot
>pl/summit/messages/plasma5support/plasma_engine_keystate.po is a .po
>without .pot
>Clear it up
>  Albert

I already figured out that I should remove the files from
plasma5support, but thanks anyway.

I'm new to posummit. Did I do something wrong so that these files
appeared or is it expected from time to time?

Is there a standard method to test if a .po file has no corresponding
.pot file?


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