translations crashing plasma-discover (ar, el, tr, uk, zh_CN)

Harald Sitter sitter at
Thu Jul 18 11:41:55 BST 2024


Unfortunately this seems to have regressed for ar

Meanwhile el and zh_CN seem unresponsive to mails on their respective
mailing lists as well as here. Not sure what I can do about that short
of disabling the translations in discover, which does seem a bit

On Mon, May 6, 2024 at 3:08 PM Harald Sitter <sitter at> wrote:
> Heyo
> It turns out we have a crasher in discover because of ambiguous
> Category translations. It'd be cool if the affected teams could review
> the translations for both trunk and stable and make sure to
> disambiguate them. A quick reply that you've handled it would be much
> appreciated.
> QWARN : CategoriesTest::testTranslations(tr) "Found duplicated
> category names: boş"
> QWARN : CategoriesTest::testTranslations(ar) "Found duplicated
> category names: المحاكاة"
> QWARN : CategoriesTest::testTranslations(el) "Found duplicated
> category names: Προσομοίωση"
> QWARN : CategoriesTest::testTranslations(uk) "Found duplicated
> category names: Імітатори"
> QWARN : CategoriesTest::testTranslations(zh_CN) "Found duplicated
> category names: 模拟"
> As a general FYI the discover strings with the "Category" context are
> used as, well, category names and need to be unique to avoid user
> confusion.
> I am going to add a unit test so we notice future ambiguity before it
> gets released once we have the current problems resolved.
> Thanks
> HS

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