MegaRelease 6 announcement

Carl Schwan carl at
Tue Feb 13 20:10:26 GMT 2024

Hi translators,

The release announcement for Plasma 6 is nearly done and after several rounds 
of proof reading, I don't expect any more change to it. And since earlier 
today, everything in the article is translatable (thanks to bitigchi for 
spotting this).

Please don't share the link yet, but as I suppose this can be helpful there is 
a preview of the release announcement in your local language updated once a 
day here:< your language code>/announcements/megarelease/6/#secret

Happy translating,

PS: If you know some local journalists, feel free to share the link with them 
just make sure to reminds them that this is embargoed until the release day 
and the final URL won't include #secret at the end ;)

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