Build warnings for Sphinx documentation (Krita and Kdenlive)

Josep M. Ferrer txemaq at
Sun Feb 4 17:49:30 GMT 2024

El 4/2/24 a les 15:01, Johnny Jazeix ha escrit:
> Hi,
> from the sysadmins channel: "all languages are only build for 
> pipelines on protected branches. There you should get all logs the 
> same as on binary factory. For all other pipelines only English is build."
> But there are no scheduled pipelines for the Sphinx websites yet, so 
> they are not rebuilt when scripty commits.
> Does 
> have the logs you want (last commit in master other than scripty)?

No, I'm not able to find the logs for each lang in that commit. But this 
job was triggered 3 weeks ago, so I think all logs for this log were 

But on a recent job 
logs only show "en" issues.

> I've asked Krita devs in their Matrix channel if someone can set up 
> the schedule pipeline, I've sent a mail to Gilles for digiKam and 
> Julius will take care of the Kdenlive one.
> Cheers,
> Johnny
> Le sam. 3 févr. 2024 à 17:42, Josep M. Ferrer <txemaq at> a 
> écrit :
>     Hi,
>     I think pipelines have different log information than Jenkins. In
>     Jenkins, there was a log for each language (ar, ca, cs, de, es,
>     fr, etc.), with issues for that lang.  In pipelines there is only
>     a log for "en", with a different information. So, we missed a good
>     tool to fix some errors translating documentation.
>     Josep M. Ferrer
>     El 3/2/24 a les 12:14, Johnny Jazeix ha escrit:
>>     Hi,
>>     Would
>>     and
>>     contain the previous info?
>>     Cheers,
>>     Johnny
>>     Le sam. 3 févr. 2024 à 12:09, Josep M. Ferrer
>>     <txemaq at> a écrit :
>>         Hi,
>>         as translators, we could review and fix build warnings for
>>         translated Sphinx documentation (Krita and Kdenlive
>>         documentation) on Jenkins:
>>         But recently these two URL gives me a 404 error, so I'm
>>         guessing both builds were moved to another system or URL.
>>         Does anybody know where I can find the files/pages/... for
>>         these build warnings?
>>         Thanks in advance,
>>         Josep M. Ferrer
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