Create Sanskrit team

Raghavendra Kamath raghu at
Fri Sep 15 04:57:55 BST 2023

On Friday, 15 September, 2023 1:13:35 AM IST Shreekant Kalwar wrote:
> How to create a new team for Sanskrit language
Hi Shreekant,

I have read that the first step is to setup your translation environment and translate kcoreaddons, kio and kxmlgui to 100% and send them here. Attachments won't work here so you can give a link may be via nextcloud or other cloud hosting solutions. once the translation for these are ready we can then ask the team and sysadmins to create the sanskrit team. This would probably be single person team until you gather more volunteers.

If you need any help for setting up translation or the translation process you can ping me on irc (libera chat ) or on kde matrix channels my user name is "raghukamath" you can also mail me directly. 

We have a kde hindi matrix chat room here -

Thank you

Raghavendra Kamath

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