lokalize does not open project file after --project

Freek de Kruijf freekdekruijf at kde.nl
Tue Nov 21 14:32:10 GMT 2023

Op woensdag 15 november 2023 10:44:53 CET schreef Freek de Kruijf:
> This morning after an update using lokalize 23.08.3 and invoking it with:
> "lokalize --project <project_file>" by clicking on a .lokalize file, the tab
> with Project Overview does not show anything/is empty. When I do a search
> in the tab Translation Memory things are shown. The project file,
> *.lokalize contains absolute file paths.
> Selecting an element in the search list opens that .po file.
> Using menu item "Open Project" and selecting the project file does show the
> elements in the tab Project Overview.
> File ~/.local/share/mime/text/x-lokalize.xml contains:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mime-type xmlns="http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info"
> type="text/x-lokalize">
>   <!--Created automatically by update-mime-database. DO NOT EDIT!-->
>   <icon name="lokalize"/>
>   <glob-deleteall/>
>   <glob pattern="*.lokalize"/>
> </mime-type>
> File ~/.local/share/applications/lokalize.desktop contains:
> [Desktop Entry]
> Exec=lokalize --project %f  <<<<===========
> MimeType=text/x-lokalize;
> Name=lokalize --project
> NoDisplay=true
> Type=Application
> What's wrong?



Freek de Kruijf
vertaler/coördinator van KDE

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