Spotting fuzzy difference in large html block

Karl Ove Hufthammer karl at
Wed Jun 28 10:49:39 BST 2023

Yuri Chornoivan skreiv 28.06.2023 07:44:
>> ... And all that just to find:
>> The only difference between the two large hunks was a one character typo
>> fix, "encapulates" -> "encapsulates"
>> at original line:
>> #| "circle centred on the star centroid that encapulates half the star's
>> flux."
>> Is there an easier way to find the difference(s)?
> Hi,
> I use Lokalize and it shows the diffrences immediately.

I also recommend using Lokalize. The built-in coloured diff feature is 
very useful. See attached screenshot (if it is accepted by the mailing 
list). I could not imagine doing translation work without such a feature.

But these complicated HTML strings (with full HTML headers, lots of 
style attributes &c.) are annoying. I think they’re automatically 
generated by Qt Designer if you’re not careful.

Karl Ove Hufthammer
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