GCompris release 3.0 website translation

"Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi" xalba at clientes.euskaltel.es
Fri Jan 20 20:20:12 GMT 2023


I've made the commit for gcompris_qt.po to Euskara/Basque (eu).

Just one question, in the header of the file there is this line
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL at ADDRESS\n"
Should we type some email address?


----- Jatorrizko mezua -----
Nork: Johnny Jazeix <jazeix at gmail.com>
Data: 2023(e)ko Urtarrilak 19(a), Osteguna, 8:04
Gaia: GCompris release 3.0 website translation
Nori: KDE i18n-doc <kde-i18n-doc at kde.org>, GCompris Devel <gcompris-devel at kde.org>

> Hi,

> we released GCompris 3.0 yesterday and we added a new news to be translated in the website: https://gcompris.net/news/2023-01-18-en.html. There are around 20 new strings.
> You can find the corresponding po file at https://l10n.kde.org/stats/gui/trunk-kf5/po/gcompris-net.po/.

> There is no time limit as we can update the website as soon as the po file is updated but it would be nice to ping Timothée and/or me as the upload has to be done manually.

> Cheers,

> Timothée & Johnny
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