web is brokened again [pology rules]

Antoni Bella Pérez antonibella5 at
Sat Feb 25 16:38:29 GMT 2023

El dissabte, 25 de febrer de 2023, a les 11:31:43 (CET), vau escriure:
> Op zaterdag 25 februari 2023 10:34:42 CET schreef Antoni Bella Pérez:
> >   Hi,
> >   ID added yesterday and make full support (I hope). Rules ready to land
> >   (nt
> > 
> > a MR will be better), are also compatible with nl language. Can you review
> > the translations with these rules? Thanks in advance Regards  Toni
> A got a false positive in commented lines in:
> nl/messages/digikam-doc/
> docs_digikam_org_color_management___basis_knowledge.po:778(#63)
> #~ msgid ""
> #~ "**Relative Colorimetric**, also called Proof or Preserve Identical Color
> " ....


  You get an error -> missing an asterisk:
#~ msgid "**Relative Colorimetric**,
#~ msgstr "*Relatief calorimetrisch**,
[nota] regla [id=rst-2asterisk] ==> Surely missing a start bold markup - 
without spaces too (reStructuredText)

  If you want to keep an entry you can correct it with Kate. I personally 
delete all (early translation) with the following order:

  posieve remove-obsolete ca/messages/digikam-doc/

Dubta que les estrelles siguin foc.
Dubta que el Sol es mogui.
Dubta que la veritat sigui mentida.
Però no dubtis mai que t'estimo.
	- William Shakespeare

No se n'ha de posar massa
	- A grandmother on the TV show "Las recetas de Julie"

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