String freeze exception request for Spectacle MR 308

Freek de Kruijf freekdekruijf at
Wed Dec 27 11:03:58 GMT 2023

Op woensdag 27 december 2023 00:32:55 CET schreef Noah Davis:
> Almost exactly the same, except I removed the beginning of an HTML tag
> from the string.
> Old string: "You can use the following placeholders in the filename,
> which will be replaced with actual text when the file is
> saved:<blockquote>"
> New string: "You can use the following placeholders in the filename,
> which will be replaced with actual text when the file is saved:"

No objections from the Dutch team. Thanks for all your work.


Freek de Kruijf
vertaler/coördinator van KDE

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