When are strings unfrozen?

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at kde.org
Mon Dec 18 21:22:41 GMT 2023

On Montag, 18. Dezember 2023 22:13:02 CET Oliver Kellogg wrote:
> Where is the official place to look for dates of string freezes and thaws?

Unfortunately, some bits of information seem to be published only in the 
following mailing list message:

> I found two infos,
> 1) Schedules/Plasma6
>    https://community.kde.org/Schedules/Plasma_6
> 2) Schedules/February 2024 MegaRelease
>    https://community.kde.org/Schedules/February_2024_MegaRelease
> At 1) I don't see any mention of string freeze.
> At 2) heading "KDE Gear Specific" I see "Beta (24.01.80)" where it says
> * User visible strings are frozen: neither string changes nor new
> strings are allowed in the stable branch.
> (As a side note, what does "stable branch" refer to?)

Currently, it refers to master because the stable branch has not yet been 

> Is it correct that we are currently in 24.01.80 string freeze?


> When will the freeze be lifted?

When the stable branch has been created (see above link) then the freeze of 
master is lifted.

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