Translation of video subtitles of promo team

Paul Brown paul.brown at
Wed Aug 2 23:19:31 BST 2023

On Wednesday, 2 August 2023 17:38:09 CEST Johnny Jazeix wrote:
> Hi,


> I've been discussing with promo on how to help them translate the
> subtitles in their videos

Please note this is _not_ exclusively for the Promo team. In fact, the Akademy 
interviews were for the Akademy organisers, and the GCompris video is, well, 
for GCompris.

Promo just had the idea of start doing subtitles and closed captions inspired 
by the accessibility goal.

> (for example
> In order to not change the process of translators, I told them I can
> create a script that will convert the srt files (subtitle file) to po
> files. And with the workflow, the translated
> subtitles files can be created and uploaded.
> I have a few questions regarding the translation process:
> * should there be only one po file containing all the translations for
> all subtitles files, or one po file per subtitle file?

As long as at the end of the process there is one SRT file per language (which 
is what PT and YT want), whatever you decide will be fine.

> * There could be issue with display time of texts. Basically, in the
> subtitle file, for each line, you tell when the text appears and when
> it hides. If a translated text takes more time to be read, the user
> might have to pause the video in order to read it which is a bad
> experience. To solve this potential issue, I propose to also add in
> the messages to translate the timestamp of begin and end, so
> translators can also update them if needed.

In the case of tutorials, we can establish a rule that leaves teh text on 
screen (or add an extra-long pause when reading instructions) to accommodate 
other languages. This can also be dealt with at the editing stage, or even 
corrected in subsequent edits, as long as we (the community) have access to 
the source files. 

For interviews and recordings of talks, well, that will be harder.


Promotion & Communication


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