Lokalise's editor part has not work [next KUbuntu release]

Antoni Bella Pérez antonibella5 at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 2 00:26:21 BST 2022

divendres, 30 de setembre de 2022, a les 16:14:53 (CEST), Albert Astals Cid va 
> El dijous, 29 de setembre de 2022, a les 2:24:16 (CEST), Antoni Bella Pérez
> va
> escriure:
> >   Hi,
> >   
> >   A few days ago they have updated the QT from 5.15.4 to 5.15.6 and the
> > 
> > Lokalize has stopped working as usual.
> Can you please explain with a bit more detail what doesn't work?
> As far as i can see it works just fine for me (not Ubuntu).
> Cheers,
>   Albert
> >   Reported on Launchpad Bug Report System:
> > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lokalize/+bug/1991160

  Hi Albert,

  I add a screenshot to Launchpad, you can see the focus on the edit tab but 

 Click inside this tab and the focus is moved automatically to the other (the 
one seen as content).

Possible cause: an Qt update (from my user level)

Dubta que les estrelles siguin foc.
Dubta que el Sol es mogui.
Dubta que la veritat sigui mentida.
Però no dubtis mai que t'estimo.
	- William Shakespeare

No se n'ha de posar massa
	- A grandmother on the TV show "Las recetas de Julie"

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