Helping with Translating KDE to Indonesian
Albert Astals Cid
aacid at
Fri Jan 21 00:19:43 GMT 2022
El dijous, 20 de gener de 2022, a les 3:56:03 (CET), Linerly va escriure:
> Also, I have another question, do the translations has to be formal?
Translations have to be correct and most importantly coherent, using different words to translate the same english word, using different ways to address the user, etc. is just confusing for the user.
> I noticed that most of the Indonesian translation in KDE apps often use “kamu” (“you”, informal) instead of “Anda” (formal), and sometimes “anda” is used instead of “Anda” (yes, with a capital A)
That's not good, the same voice should be used all over (maybe one could argue that when translating games you can change the voice a bit).
Also you can use different voices for different scenarios, for example in Catalan the agreement is that when the user speaks to the computer, it's in imperative+informal voice, but when the computer is asking something to the user is in formal voice, i.e. the user is a "superior being" to the computer in terms of formality.
> There are also some English words in some Indonesian translations (in the System Settings app, for example), with some letters changed, such as “Display” → “Displai” which should be “Layar” (“Screen” in English) since we don't say “Displai”
I have no idea about Indonesian, but "we don't say Displai" is something you need to be very careful about, if it's not a word in the dictionary, fair enough, but otherwise with lots of speakers in a language, different words are bound to be used for the same thing (which as said before it's not optimal when the translations does, but it's understandable that other people actually used that word), Then there's the issue of neologisms like "byte", if you had asked me while i was at University, i would have told you that there's no word for byte in Catalan, "everyone" just said byte, but then i learned that the diccionary says one should use "octet", what i thought was a "noone says octet" was just my narrow group of people that i knew not using the correct word.
> …and some Indonesian translations in some KDE apps don't make sense (or hilarious, like “Terminal Longsor” in Yakuake's description translation, which literally means “Landslide Terminal”)
Please try to be more respectful with others work, they probably had a good reason for that translation, and if not, it was a mistake, everyone makes mistakes.
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> Pada Kamis, 20 Januari 2022 pukul 9:15 AM, Linerly <linerly at> menulis:
> >> do you have a particular interest in an app that is "big-ish" say around 300 messages and is untranslated?
> > I'd like to translate NeoChat
> >
> > -------- Pesan asli --------
> > Aktif 19 Jan 2022 23.52, Albert Astals Cid < aacid at> menulis:
> > El dimecres, 19 de gener de 2022, a les 14:47:10 (CET), Linerly va escriure:
> >> > did he answer to you maybe in private?
> >> No, Wantoyo didn't answer my question privately
> >>
> >> > If not I guess we can assume he's no longer interested and start on-boarding you on the translation.
> >> Alright then
> > For new languages we ask people to translate kcoreaddons, kio and kxmlgui but those are in good relative shape for indonesian
> > [](http://<a href=)kcoreaddons/">
> > [](http://<a href=)kio/">
> > [](http://<a href=)kxmlgui/">
> > So let's try to do it the other way around, do you have a particular interest in an app that is "big-ish" say around 300 messages and is untranslated?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Albert
> >>
> >> -------- Pesan asli --------
> >> Aktif 19 Jan 2022 19.46, Albert Astals Cid < aacid at> menulis:
> >> El dimecres, 12 de gener de 2022, a les 23:35:09 (CET), Albert Astals Cid va escriure:
> >> > El dimecres, 12 de gener de 2022, a les 11:55:09 (CET), Linerly va escriure:
> >> > > Hi, I would like to help translating KDE to Indonesian, where do I get started?
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Hi, Wantoyo was "recently" (August 2021) coordinating the translation of KDE to Indonesian.
> >> >
> >> > He is subscribed to the mailing list.
> >> >
> >> > Let's give him a few days to answer and if not I'll try to give you a few tips on when you can start.
> >> I have not seen any email to the mailing list, did he answer to you maybe in private?
> >> If not I guess we can assume he's no longer interested and start on-boarding you on the translation.
> >> Cheers,
> >> Albert
> >> >
> >> > Best Regards,
> >> > Albert
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
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