Remember: Gear 21.08 is not frozen yet (until July 15)

Antoni Bella Pérez antonibella5 at
Mon Jul 12 19:52:11 BST 2021

El dilluns, 12 de juliol de 2021, a les 10:30:55 CEST, vau escriure:
> so if you commit any string-related freeze (GUI or documentation) *before*
> that deadline, please commit it to the release/21.08 branch too. In most
> cases this means: commit directly to the release/21.08 branch and merge
> into master, or merge into master and cherry-pick into release/21.08
> depending on the rule of the repository. Please ask here in case of issues.

  Is true! Even though I was already thinking about it. I never use 'git 
cherry-pic', <>

  I see that Yuri has already done it, but:

git checkout release/21.08
git cherry-pick d6578f3c 1ec0ecd7 0ab7edbf 7aa89f1f
git push

  Is this correct?

Dubta que les estrelles siguin foc.
Dubta que el Sol es mogui.
Dubta que la veritat sigui mentida.
Però no dubtis mai que t'estimo.
	- William Shakespeare

No se n'ha de posar massa
	- A grandmother on the TV show "Las recetas de Julie"

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