file command, ASCII text in messages... [question]

Shinjo Park kde at
Sun Sep 20 23:41:28 BST 2020


UTF-8 is backwards compatible with ASCII, therefore a valid ASCII document is 
also a valid UTF-8 document. If the po file contains only Basic Latin 
characters then the file is not only ASCII text but also UTF-8 text. Don't get 
misleaded by the file command's output.


2020년 9월 21일 월요일 오전 12시 28분 23초 CEST에 Antoni Bella Pérez 님이 쓴 글:
>   Hi,
>   Everyone assumes, the standard is UTF-8.
>   We need to fix this?
> find * -type f -name *.pot | xargs file | grep ASCII
> kontact.pot: GNU gettext message catalogue, UTF-8 Unicode text
> kooka.pot: GNU gettext message catalogue, ASCII text
>   For Catalan (ca) language kooka.po file is UTF-8, but there are still many
> that are ASCII.
>   Atentament
>   Toni

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