Fwd: Dragon Player release on Jan 29th

Thomas Reitelbach tr at erdfunkstelle.de
Mon Jan 14 23:30:28 CET 2008

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Betreff: Dragon Player release on Jan 29th
Datum: Montag, 14. Januar 2008
Von: "Ian Monroe" <ian at monroe.nu>
An: "KDE i18n-doc" <kde-i18n-doc at kde.org>

I was planning on making the 2.0 release of Dragon Player in a couple
of weeks without internationalization, since it was in playground and
its now in kdereview and I figured these areas were not translated. I
hope to make Dragon Player part of the KDE Multimedia for KDE 4.1, and
obviously at that time it would be translated. That was my original

However it was pointed out on my blog and I just looked and it does
appear to be getting some translation in kdereview.

So I would like to announce that it is being released on January 29th.
I want to release 2.0 final in January to beat the Kubuntu feature

There are still some complications, mainly that Dragon Player is going
to be moved into kdemultimedia or extragear within a week. I've
branched Amarok before so I'm somewhat familiar with the process
involved in moving an application with its i18n (mainly that its a lot
of work.) Then there is the documentation...

How much interest is there in translating Dragon Player? What do you
all think should be done?

Ian Monroe

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