typo in pot file

Frederik Schwarzer schwarzerf at gmail.com
Fri Nov 2 17:00:00 CET 2007

Dmitry Baryshev wrote:


> Just fill msgid-s with proper strings, e.g. replace "cann't" with "cannont"

... it's "cannot" :) ...

> etc. to be sure that German translation will be up-to-date. I'll do the
> same on my side in .pot file and in source code.

Too complicated and error-prone.
The msgmerge command does a better job.
You only have to update the pot file and the translator can merge his already 
finished translation with the new pot file. That way the new po file is 
up-to-date without the translator messing around with the original strings.

> Of course if you test de.po file with KSquirrel it won't translate some
> strings proper (like "mimimum"), but we will know that it will work in
> final release.
> All your suggestions are noted in knotes :)

How about "import your project to the kde svn server"? ;)


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