Fwd: IT-related German translations
Thomas Reitelbach
tr at erdfunkstelle.de
Tue Feb 14 20:16:09 CET 2006
Hallo zusammen,
die folgende Anfrage erhielt ich kürzlich per Mail.
Ich habe keine Zeit, einen solchen Nebenjob zu machen und habe abgesagt. Aber
vielleicht ist das ja für einen von euch interessant.
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: IT-related German translations
Date: Wednesday 08 February 2006 13:17
From: "Andrés Palomares, e-lexica" <andres.palomares at e-lexica.com>
To: tr at erdfunkstelle.de
Dear Mr. Reitelbach,
My name is Andrés Palomares and I work as a project manager for a
Spanish localization company called e-lexica. We've found your contact
details at the i18n KDE website.
We're looking for German freelance translators (mainly English>German)
and translation revisors for working on the IT-related localization
projects for our current and future customers (software, user manuals, etc).
We would like to know if you could be interested in working with us on
upcoming German projects (or if you may know of any IT-savvy colleague
who could be interested). If so, we would be very grateful if you can
contact us by e-mail or MSN/Yahoo as soon as you can so we can further
discuss the details, such as prices, availability, etc.
If you need any additional information, please don't hesitate contact me.
Thanks for your time.
Best regards,
Andrés Palomares
Project Manager
e-lexica Digital Localization and Content
Padre Damián, 40, planta 1
28036 Madrid, Spain
IM MSN: e_lexica at hotmail.com
IM Yahoo: e_lexica_ap
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There are 10 kind of people. Those who understand binary, and those
who don't.
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