translation help

Eckhart Wörner ew at
Sun Feb 27 14:12:07 CET 2005


Am Samstag, 19. Februar 2005 21:10 schrieb Krasu:
> Hi. Who can help me with translation my project to your language ?
> I'm working on image viewer for KDE, at this time it supports 18
> formats, including animated GIF, PSD, Xcur.
> Here is a web page:
> And here is a .pot file:
> It is really simple .pot, whithout complex messages.
> New realse is coming soon, so I want to have a rich translation list

ich glaub, ich wag mich mal erstmal an sowas.
Wenn keiner was dagegen hat, natürlich. ;-)

Krasu: I will do that, but please be patient for this will be my first KDE 
related translation. ;-)

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