[kdecat] Fwd: Tagging KOffice 1.5.2 L10n, expected Friday 7 July.

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Tue Jul 4 17:41:19 UTC 2006

Si algú té un momentet per donar-li una empenteta al menys del 2% que ens 
queda per traduir seria fantastic.


----------  Missatge transmès  ----------

Subject: Tagging KOffice 1.5.2 L10n, expected Friday 7 July.
Date: Dilluns 03 Juliol 2006 03:47
From: Martin Ellis <martin.ellis at kdemail.net>
To: kde-i18n-doc at kde.org

[Fixed To: field and resending]


Just to let you know we intend to tag the KOffice 1.5.2 translations
on Friday 7 July.

For various reasons, KOffice 1.5.0 was released with many languages that did
not have the normal minimum of 70% GUI translations:

af ar bg br bs cs eo ga he hi is lt mk nn ro se sk ta tg tr uz

I included these when I prepared the 1.5.1 release and, unless I'm told
otherwise, intend to do so again for 1.5.2.
If no more languages reach 70% translations by Friday,  I expect the full
language list for 1.5.2 to be the same as 1.5.1, namely:

af ar bg br bs ca cs cy da de el en_GB eo es et eu fi fr ga he hi hu is it ja
lt mk ms nb nl nn pl pt pt_BR ro ru se sk sl sr sr at Latn sv ta tg tr uk uz

I guess for the KOffice 1.6.x series, we won't release most of the languages
without 70% translations (but that's not my decision to make).



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