[Kde-hardware-devel] GSock Project

Lakshminarayanan Srinivasan sanjay.slnarayanan at gmail.com
Tue Mar 27 15:50:19 UTC 2012

SO this is what I have in mind.
    I am thinking of creating an android app and one Desktop client for
Initially I will be able to support only USB transfer (due to time
constrain) but it can be extended to sync
over WiFi and Bluetooth. On the desktop client u select the mode of
communication and it pops up a QR code with information
necessary for the communication (say the IP address, port and some
authentication code). Thus both the PC and the mobile needs to be unlocked
in order to sync and you cannot sync to/from a locked device. Once the QR
code is recognised by the mobile , it establishes a TCP connection
between the Android client and the Desktop Client. And the syncing starts .
I have figured out how I can add songs, extract contact details, sync
calendar ,get SMSs and emails etc on the android side.
How ever on the desktop side I have a few queries.
   KDE has different apps for each of the above functions .
         Kontact,KAddressbook,KOrganiser,Kmail ,Amarok,etc
   I would like to know how I can interact with these. Like in android ,
with just android API calls , I can accomplish the above tasks.
 Likewise are there any generic KDE api calls that can be used to
               -> Query Amarok for songs , Add songs , remove Songs
                -> Query Kontact ,add contacts , remove contacts, etc
                 so on
Or should I write a plugin for each of these or someother hack(like reading
and writing a file containing the info) .


On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 12:17 PM, Alex Fiestas <afiestas at kde.org> wrote:

> On Thursday, March 22, 2012 05:16:40 PM Lakshminarayanan Srinivasan wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am interested in taking up the project to improve Android Devices
> support
> > and I have a few questions regarding the same.
> > Could you explain me the requirements/expectations of the project.
> > Is the project regarding developing a fullfledged KDE
> > app/service/applet/plugin that syncs the KDE desktop with the android or
> is
> > just writing
> > a backend so that others could write plugins using this to sync the
> > corresponding KDE apps?
> > Also what are the technical requirements?? Like the libraries that I can
> > use, the language, etc (any other constraints on it)
> Well, since you are the student maybe you should ask yourself:
> -How  I want to integrate Android with KDE?
> GSoC must be based in the motivations of the student, so you tell us what
> do
> you want to do and how do you want to do it and we will try to guide you
> the
> best we can.
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