[Kde-hardware-devel] cagibi questions

Jonathan Riddell jriddell at ubuntu.com
Thu Jul 29 14:00:31 CEST 2010

I'm packaging cagibi for Kubuntu

I had to make this change to
cagibi/daemon/org.kde.Cagibi.service.cmake else the service file
points to /usr/cagibid which isn't right


Can I recommend making a homepage for Cagibi?  Just an entry on
kde-apps.org would be sufficient. An FTP server gives little context.

Poking the dbus interface in qdbusviewer I get "Unable to find method
allDevices on path /org/kde/Cagibi in interface org.kde.Cagibi" is
that right?

After installing I browsed to network:/ in dolphin but it doesn't show
anything, uPNP is turned on in my router but I don't know enough about
uPNP to know if anything should be appearing in network:/.  What
should I look out for?

When I have cagibi installed I find that plasma-desktop freezes after
a few minutes.  This makes no sense to be but it stops happening when
I uninstall cagibi.  Am I imagining this problem?


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