[Kde-hardware-devel] Making Solid give a visible name for products

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Fri Apr 17 20:02:26 CEST 2009

A Divendres, 17 d'abril de 2009, Kevin Ottens va escriure:
> On Friday 10 April 2009 17:00:28 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> > i'm attaching a patch that adds the visibleName function for Solid
> > devices, that is useful for places like the places viewer in dolphin or
> > the device notifier in plasma. Currently when i connect my phone i get
> > "Volume (fat32)" which sucks for two reasons:
> >  * It's not much detailed
> Which is the real issue.
> >  * Can't be translated
> Which is in my opinion a side effect of the real issue.
> > With the current patch, the "Can't be translated" part is fixed and now i
> > get "7,4 GiB External Media" that is not a great improvement but at least
> > can be translated.
> Well, looks like you're treating a symptom and not the cause in this case,
> isn't it? 

Not really, my main issue is non translatability (i'm the i18n maintainer you 
know), for example another problem is 

  vendor = ''  (string)
  product = 'PC Floppy Drive'  (string)

that should obviously be shown translated, that with my patch does not (and 
with your vendor + product does not)

> I'm not sold on the approach... We should probably try to instead
> report a better string in the first place, not something equally bad but
> translatable. I suspect the right fix would be in HAL, but that's maybe
> something we could workaround.

The right fix is already in HAL (libhal-storage) and is "the same code" i 

> In any case we probably want to make sure vendor()+product() gives us
> something sensible, I'm not fan of having another method to call for that.

I'm not returning vendor+product, just vendor+model on the last resort of not 
finding anything that can identify the product.

> Could you provide your "solid-hardware list details" and solid-hardware
> list nonportableinfo" outputs with the phone connected? Bonus point if you
> give us the udi of the phone itself (makes it easier to look for the right
> info).

Yeah, but i don't care about my phone, i just care about having things 
translatable, my phone was just an example.

The volume udi is '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_CDF2_6BE2'


> Regards.

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