[Kde-hardware-devel] Satus of solid-bluetooth

Guillaume Pothier gpothier at gmail.com
Fri Oct 31 17:16:33 CET 2008

I'm trying to revive the bluetooth kioslaves for kde4. I am facing
problems with the solid-bluetooth API, which seems to be in the
process of being ported to the bluez4 API. I've been in contact with
Tom Patzig, but unfortunately he is very busy and will be until the
end of November, so I hope somebody on this list can help me.

First of all I need a clarification about what a ubi is: is it a
bluetooth address like 00:16:20:4E:ED:8D, or a dbus path like

Second, I ran into this problem: in
Solid::Control::BluetoothInterface::listDevices(), the call to
backend->listDevices() returns a list of dbus paths like
"/org/bluez/hci0/dev_00_16_20_4E_ED_8D". These paths are then passed
to findBluetoothRemoteDevice to obtain the BluetoothRemoteDevice
object. The problem is that findBluetoothRemoteDevice expects strings
of the form "00:16:20:4E:ED:8D", and then transforms them to the dbus
path through a call to backend->findDevice(). I was able to work
around the problem by skipping the call to backend->findDevice(), but
is the the correct solution, or should listDevices transform the dbus
path to an address before calling findBluetoothRemoteDevice?


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