[Kde-hardware-devel] Solid - how to get path of storage device

David Boosalis david.boosalis at gmail.com
Wed Jun 11 09:34:50 CEST 2008

Chis your answers are clear as day, but I still can't get the filePath.to
print out.

So this is what I have, pretty much verbatim of what you have:
MySlot(QString str)
  QString filePath;
  Solid::Device device(str);
  Solid::StorageAccess *storageAccess = device.as<Solid::StorageAccess>();
  if(storageAccess) {
     if(!storageAccess->isAccessible()) { //device is plugged in but not
       qDebug() << "Make accesible...";
     qDebug() << "File path is: " << storageAccess->filePath();

Here is the output form the command line when a usb is device is loaded (the
results are the same on two computers)
Device changed
Device changed
Device changed
Device changed
Device changed
Device changed
Device changed  "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_7062_BD74"
Make accesible...
File path is:  ""

As you can see setup() is called.

Device changed
Device changed
Device changed
Device changed
Device changed
Device changed
Device changed  "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_7062_BD74"
Make accesible...
File path is:  ""

Could it be a timing issue. Or do you have any ideas


On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 7:10 PM, Christopher Blauvelt <cblauvelt at gmail.com>

> On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 7:31 PM, David Boosalis <david.boosalis at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Chris.
>> The signal gets generated from a USB being plugged in.  I use the
>> following to connect the signal to the slog given:
>>   connect(DeviceNotifier::instance(),
>>       SIGNAL(deviceAdded(const QString &)),
>>       this,
>>       SLOT(slotSolidDeviceChanged(const QString &)));
>>   connect(Solid::DeviceNotifier::instance(),
>>       SIGNAL(deviceRemoved(const QString &)),
>>       this,
>>       SLOT(slotSolidDeviceChanged(const QString &)));
>> This was taken from the solid tutorial. Maybe I am getting an extraneous
>> signal when I plug in the usb stick because the qDebug statement for
>> filePath below prints nothing for hte filePath argument. I am using hte
>> latest build of the depot for all my coding work.  You mentioned something
>> about StorgeAccess::setup(), I'll research this call, as I am not sure where
>> to put it.
>> filePath() gives you the path to where the device is *mounted*.  The
> signal you're receiving is sent when the device is plugged in, regardless of
> whether it's mounted or not.  If you plug in your USB device, and it's not
> mounted you catch the signal that a device was added but since it's not
> mounted filePath() will return QString().
> Try this in your slot:
> qDebug() << "Device changed " << str;
>   QString filePath;
>   Solid::Device device(str);
>   Solid::StorageAccess *accessStorage = device.as<Solid::StorageAccess>();
>   if(storageAccess) {
>      if(!storageAccess->isAccessible()) { //device is plugged in but not
> mounted
>          storageAccess->setup();
>      }
>      qDebug() << "File path is: " << storageAccess->filePath();
>   }
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