[Kde-hardware-devel] Fwd: PowerDevil, a Laptop Power management Daemon

Kevin Ottens ervin at kde.org
Tue Jul 15 09:22:37 CEST 2008

Forwarding here, since it might be of interest for people subscribed there but 
not on kde-devel.

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: PowerDevil, a Laptop Power management Daemon
Date: Saturday 12 July 2008
From: Dario Freddi <drf54321 at gmail.com>
To: kde-devel at kde.org

Hi List,

It's my first post here, I'd like to introduce you an application I've been 
developing these days. Its name is PowerDevil and it's a KDED module for Power 
Management. You can find it in playground/utils/powerdevil

Half of the code is borrowed from KDE4Powersave, I've fixed it and cleaned it 
up a bit. The current approach consists of a KDED Module, a KCModule to 
configure it, and an (upcoming) plasmoid to monitor status. It makes use of 
Solid and it's really lightweight.

As of today, everything (seems) to work, I'd appreciate some 
feedback/ideas/requests/reports about it.

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Kévin 'ervin' Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net
"Ni le maître sans disciple, Ni le disciple sans maître,
Ne font reculer l'ignorance."
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