[Kde-hardware-devel] Audio- / Mixer-Interface ( KMix )

Christian Esken esken at kde.org
Fri Jul 7 20:13:27 CEST 2006


I joined this list a couple of weeks ago, because I was wondering how I could include Solid in KMix. Does doing so sound like a sensible idea?

I made the follwowing lists (questions getting more sophisticated from point to point):

1) Solid should be able to support mixer devices. Does Solid support Mixers already?
   Hint: For ALSA the devices will be the same as the Audio device (e.g. "hw:0"),
   but for OSS, Solaris, HPUX and others this will differ (e.g. "/dev/mixer" vs. "/dev/dsp").
2a) Can Solid provide coldplugging information? Or in other words:
    When KMix starts, can Solid provide a list of Mixer devices.
2b) Can Solid provide hotplugging information? Or in other words:
    Can Solid notify KMix on runtime about appearing / disappearing devices.
2c) How do I start (coding)? I read the solidhardwarebrowser sourcecode without avail.
    Any help is appreciated here.
3) Can Solid deliver a unique persistent identifier for each device?
   That means, if an device is unplugged and replugged or the computer rebooted,
   can Solid deliver the same identifier each time ?
4) Can Solid provide both ALSA and OSS? If yes, can Solid match OSS and ALSA device?
   Reason for this question: You don't want devices to show up two times (ALSA native
   device and ALSA's OSS emulation).

I am not sure whether the next questions are "Solid" questions at all:
5) How could KMix be notified about system wide setting, e.g. the preferred audio card?
   Is this a Solid or more likely a Phonon task?
6) Does Solid support mapping "audio output device" to the corresponding "mixer device"?
   Reason for this question: For tuning the Surround volumes with KMix, I would like to play
   sounds on the corresponding "audio output device".
   Is the mapping a Solid or more likely a Phonon task?

Thats it for today. Hope anyone can enlighten me.


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