[Kde-hardware-devel] Benifits of using HAL

Eric Gaumer egaumer at pagecache.org
Fri Jan 13 15:11:46 CET 2006

On Friday 13 January 2006 12:34 am, Christopher Blauvelt wrote:
> What do we gain by using HAL if we have direct access to DBUS using the
> QDBusConnection class?  It seems like we can do the same things directly
> using DBUS and remove a layer of abstration which should speed things up
> and make our code, and required libraries smaller.
> Chris

DBUS is merely a transport (IPC) framework while HAL detects and stores actual 
device information. HAL uses DBUS to pass device information it finds about 
devices along to applications. DBUS alone cannot detect hardware. The two are 
not competing technologies and operate in different layers of the Utopia 
stack (i.e., udev, DBUS, HAL).

Udev initially creates the device, HAL appends and stores information about 
the device, and DBUS pushes that information out to registered applications.

Eric Gaumer
Debian GNU/Linux PPC
egaumer at pagecache.org
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