[Kde-hardware-devel] Using Multiple backends

Christopher Blauvelt cblauvelt at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 13:32:14 CET 2006

I've started to implement a gphoto2 backend for camera support.  What
mechanism is planned to use multiple backends at the same time.  Currently,
as far as I can tell, when the backend is loaded it unloads whatever was
loaded before.  This doesn't matter right now since there is only one
backend.  What mechanism is planned to allow different ifaces to be
controlled by different backends?
Here are some of the issues that I see.  Different backends could have
redundancy, or implementing the same ifaces.  A method is needed to choose
which ifaces will be controlled by which backend.  Perhaps a ranking sytem
would allow this to be more automatic.  Additionally we need to be able to
force an iface to be controlled by a certain backend in case there are
As a note, yes gphoto2 can use hal as a detection system.  It does have the
ability to detect cameras on it's own.  This allows it to be used when hal
is not available or not desired.
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