[kde-guidelines] [Kde-accessibility] Custom controls (was Discouraging use of custom widget replacements)

Frederik Gladhorn frederik at gladhorn.de
Mon Jul 15 07:55:42 UTC 2013


On Wednesday 10. July 2013 10.50.25 Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> On 10.07.2013 10:19, Olaf Schmidt-Wischhöfer wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I am cc'ing the accessibility list, because custom controls are a huge
> > accessibility problem unless proper support for the accessibility classes
> > is implemented.
> > 
> > It would be necessary to include both a big warning and contact points for
> > providing accessibility information.
> I'd suggest to ask people to not only consult the usability team but
> also the the accessibility team when defining a new widget. That would
> probably work better than trying to include all a11y stuff into the
> guidelines themselves.
> Do you think that would work?

I think we need more documentation how to make accessibility work for custom 
widgets. I do think that the topic is big enough to have it's own pages - either on 
KDE wikis or preferably right in the Qt documentation.
Then link to it in the usability guides.

Adding a11y to Dolphin's ItemViewsNG took quite some time and effort, but is also 
a really complex task. I hope that for most widgets the authors will get away with a 
couple of lines of code. It would be good to get feedback on where docs are missing.


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