[kde-guidelines] [KDE Usability] Password Field

Sune Vuorela nospam at vuorela.dk
Sat Dec 7 18:08:23 UTC 2013

On 2013-12-07, Björn Balazs <b at lazs.de> wrote:
> I assume that the environment does not change that often. When I work in a 
> train (and hence want to hide passwords) I do this for quite some time. So I 
> thought I might be a good idea to keep the last state. Also there is not a lot 
> of potential harm, as you immediately see whether the password is shown or not 
> - so you can toggle the mode to the desired state.
> The idea is to be convenient - which most of the time somehow interferes with 
> security. 

I'd love to be able to toggle the password visibility in more cases than
it currently is possible today. So yes. Toggle buttons everywhere.

And let it default to being 'stars' or similar symbols. Security trumps convenience.
We can't let users having their password snooped by the co-passengers or
co-workers or just people who pass by you while sitting in a Cofe.


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