[Kde-graphics-devel] Re: KDE THEME

Michael Pyne mpyne at kde.org
Thu Feb 24 04:16:11 CET 2011

On Tuesday, February 22, 2011 19:22:28 利田 盛宏 wrote:
> Hello KDE users.
> I use KDE on openSUSE in Japan.
> I am planning to make new KDE THEME this spring.
> If you know any web page for creating KDE THEME by yourself with Linux and
> Mac, please tell me its url or information about it.


There are several different elements that go into theming a full KDE desktop. 
Do you know what part or parts you intend to make a theme for?

For instance, the applications themselves are themed by using C++ code to add 
"styles" to the Qt toolkit used by KDE applications.

But, the window manager (KWin) controls things like the appearance of the 
title bar, the window border, etc., and so that is a different theme that is 

Also, many distributions will have themes for the graphical login program, 
which for KDE is called KDM. KDM supports some themes for the GNOME Display 
Manager (GDM), so finding references for those might help you for that.

Finally, the desktop itself (e.g. underlying desktop, widgets, taskbar, system 
tray, etc.) is part of the Plasma Desktop, and it has yet another different 
theming system. It doesn't require any C++ code though (at least, if I 
remember correctly) and so might be the easiest thing to start on.

I'm not sure of good theming resources off-hand, but you may want to contact 
the kde-artists mailing list (this mailing list is more for picture and photo 
editors and viewers, as opposed to producing art for themes and icons), and 
perhaps look at existing themes such as can be found from http://kde-look.org/

 - Michael Pyne
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