[Kde-graphics-devel] 'Scuse a Newbie folks, but I just happened...

Bruce Baker balloonimals at gmail.com
Sat Jan 28 12:30:32 CET 2006

...to find this forum while googling for "tooltip graphic".
It was from a post in 2004.  Not a lot of activity here.  Hope people are
still subscribed and receive this <g>

I'm setting up a website and one of the features I'd like to have is
essentially, I guess, a big tooltip that includes a graphic (100x100px) and
text.  Maybe in a table?

Seems like you guys are primarily application developers, so I don't know
whether it's "compatible tech".  But I figured it couldn't hurt to ask:

Can anyone point me in a direction likely to get where I want to go?

Thanks in advance.

London, Canada
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