[Kde-graphics-devel] KMultiTabWidget splitter

Matías Costa mcc3 at alu.um.es
Sat Feb 12 22:59:49 CET 2005

First  I'd like to be sure I am talking of the right widget. I believe 
KMultiTabWidget is the name for the vertical buttons at a side wich expands 
when pushed, i.e: the konq sidebar buttons. And with splitter I mean the 
vertical (or horizontal) beveled line you can drag to resize the 

The questions:

-Is the splitter drawn by the style? (I think it don't)
-Why is it not drawn with the style PE_Splitter primitive?
-Is there any chance for a patch for this to get commited?

I am not very sure if this is the right list. KDE-Artists looks like image 
stuff and no c++ code. Sorry if I'm misplacing the topic.

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