Configuration Window

Albert Astals Cid aacid at
Sun Jan 8 22:40:11 GMT 2023

El dissabte, 7 de gener de 2023, a les 19:53:59 (CET), Dave Kaye va escriure:
> I looked and KSudoku theme code was modified this summer from KGame to a
> KgGame format.  The notes state it was ported from a depeciated code.  That
> answers my question.  I just have an older version of the game. 
> Now, would someone please verify the action on the new theme screen.  The 
way that I am seeing it is:
> > The second style is demonstrated by KMines. The theme panel has one "group
> > box" which has a set of rows that contain the theme preview image and
> > information. Selection of a row immediately converts the gameboard to that
> > theme. The ok and cancel buttons only exit the cofiguration dialog.
> I see the description line as cut off with window width the determining
> factor.  Wouldn't you want the description to line wrap so it is completely
> visible? 

That's a design decision, whoever wrote it thought it was more important to 
have all rows have the same height.

> Second, clicking on any theme immediately selects it.  The cancel button
> does not cancel the theme.   Wouldn't you want the cancel button to revert
> back to the original theme the way other similar windows operate?  The
> apply button is not active, so you cannot select the theme using it and
> have the clicking on the theme merely display the theme on the main board.

Agreed, that seems non consistant with the rest of the config dialog. Do you 
want to work on fixing that?


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