Finding a new troubleless name for KSokoban

Karl Ove Hufthammer karl at
Thu Aug 25 10:18:56 BST 2022

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau skreiv 24.08.2022 15:53:
> So could be KStoreKeeper, KWarehouseKeeper, KWarehouseMan (or some sex-
> ignoring variant like KWarehousePerson). Among these KStoreKeeper would be my
> current favourite due to shortage.

Hmm, I’m not very fond of prefixing everything with a K. And KDE has 
mostly stopped doing this, which I think is a *good* thing. IMHO, more 
natural-sounding names – like Krita, Okular, Elisa, Parley and Spectacle 
– work better. And it’s better if the name *doesn’t* start with a K, so 
that the ‘games’ category isn’t filled up with games starting with the 
same letter (we already have KBlocks, KBounce, KBreakOut, 
KFourInKGoldrunner, Kolf, Kollision, KSnakeDuel etc.).

I don’t have any specific suggestions. For me, Skladnik (with a capital 
S, as applications using a lowercase first letter are complicated to 
handle in sentences) is OK. But maybe a bit difficult to pronounce, due 
to the ‘skl’ sound?

Also, it might be be an idea to base the name on something *other* than 
a warehouse worker. The metadata for the game currently *does* say that 
‘you are a warehouse keeper trying to push crates to their proper 
locations in a warehouse’. But when I start the game, I found that I’m a 
man with no feet pushing human-sized jewels to green manhole covers. And 
it doesn’t take place in a warehouse, but in small brick rooms floating 
in space. Very confusing! :)

Karl Ove Hufthammer

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