Proposed new set of levels for KGoldrunner

Ian Wadham at
Thu Jun 10 01:12:58 BST 2021

Hi Albert,

> On 10 Jun 2021, at 6:34 am, Albert Astals Cid <aacid at> wrote:
> El dimecres, 9 de juny de 2021, a les 6:41:51 (CEST), Ian Wadham va escriure:
>> Thanks again, Albert. Just two questions...
>> I looked at and even logged in as KDE ID “ianw”, but could find no branch or merge request. Should there be one, or am I missing something?
> ?

So IIUC the new KGoldrunner  levels will automatically become part of release KDE Gear 21.08.

>> Also, could you send me a file of all the strings the latest KDE translation scripts extract from file kgoldrunner/gamedata/game_GotD.txt? Then I can check that they all appear as intended (i.e. no fragmentation or missing bits).
> and filter for game_gotd

Thanks, Albert. I have checked this file against the source in kgoldrunner/gamedata/game_GotD.txt and all the strings have been extracted correctly.

The new strings are ready for translation now.

>>> I did some testing and i guess it works, i'm terrible at playing kgoldrunner so ... :D
>> So the build worked with the new files in it. They are just data-files, no changes to C++ code, so I would expect KGoldrunner to work as before, in the latest releases and with the latest libraries. So no need to play… :-)
>> When you start KGoldrunner, the demo tests almost everything except GUI actions and menus.
>> The new levels, Game Of The Living Dead, can be tested by loading each (or any) level and its solution. To step through several levels, use H (for Help), Esc (for Show A Solution) and Y (for Play Next Level). 
> To be honest i don't seem to have time to run the solution locally, it takes "a lot of time" for only the first level, i would appreciate if someone has time to do that.

I would suggest a spot-check - first level, last level and a couple in between. To check that all 50 solutions run correctly takes 2 or 3 hours… Gabriel and I have already done that using earlier released versions of KDE4 and KF5 and all 50 levels worked OK.

I do not anticipate any problems in KGoldrunner’s game engine (e.g. due to recent changes in Qt5 or KF5 libraries) when re-playing the solutions to these new levels. They are similar in style to the Gold Rush and Gold Rush II levels which have been in the field for about 9 years and have had no reported problems during the transition to Qt5 and KF5 and successive updates of those libraries. Unfortunately, on my Apple MacBook, I can only run KDE 4.14 and test with that. I would expect, however, that all changes to things like QObject, signals/slots, QTimer, QList and QGraphicsView have been backwards compatible and still run just as quickly and accurately. Those are the kinds of classes KGoldrunner gameplay depends upon.

Ian W.

> Cheers,
>  Albert

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