D13809: Add Shlomi Fish to the credits

Albert Astals Cid noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Jul 4 00:02:27 BST 2018

aacid added a comment.

  In D13809#286309 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D13809#286309>, @fabiank wrote:
  > @aacid : Ouch, I wasn't aware of that, and hoped that phabricator would do the right thing. I know how to do this correctly using git, but I have no clue how I get arcanist to preserve the author. Could you point me to the appropriate documentation, so that this mistake doesn't happen again?
  arc can be a bit annoying. The issue is, people can upload to phabricator patches via two ways, with arc or using the website.
  If they use arc, the git information will be collected from their local git commit, you still have to check it's good so that they didn't use something like "I don't care <bla at bla.com>" as their name/email, but most of the times will be good.
  If they upload via webpage, there's no git commit, so when you use arc patch to download the patch, arc will use *your* git information as author, so you need to call
    git commit --amend --author "Name Surnames <email at domain.extension>"
  So it uses the correct author information, if you don't know the author information you'll have to ask him (or sometimes you can ask me too since i have higher access to the identity.kde.org data and i usually can find the name/author from a given nick there)
  Does what i said make sense to you?

  R410 KPatience


To: shlomif, #kde_games
Cc: aacid, fabiank, kde-games-devel
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