Use of KFileDialog/QFileDialog in KSudoku

Ian Wadham at
Sat Apr 22 21:01:44 UTC 2017

Hi guys, and thanks for all the work you have been doing on KSudoku
re KUrl/QUrl this weekend.

One thing bothers me - the usage of KFileDialog in the Save and Save as… actions.

a) Should we be using QFileDialog?  I definitely prefer it because, among other
     things, it uses a native file dialog on (e.g.) Apple OS X.  IOW users get consistent
     file dialogs in apps from Apple, KDE and all other FOSS that uses Qt.

    OTOH, you may lose the ability to save KSudoku games on the Internet (i.e.
    support only local files in saving and loading KSudoku games).  I don't think
    network saves would be any great loss.  After all, you can always attach a
    saved KSudoku game to an email or put it in a drop box.  What do others think?

b) And if we stop using KFileDialog, what happens about that idiom of
     KFileDialog that says:

     IIRC/IIUC that idiom saved/found a previously used URL (if any) in the user's
     config area.  I don't think QFileDialog has an equivalent.

c) BTW, did "D5544: Port usage of KUrl and friends to equivalent constructs with QUrl"
    miss some usage of KUrl in KSudoku::gameSave() and KSudoku::gameSaveAs()
    in file src/gui/ksudoku.cpp?

Great work guys.

Cheers, Ian W.

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