[Kde-games-devel] porting and the next release of knights

Alexander Semke alexander.semke at web.de
Wed Jan 6 09:54:41 UTC 2016

> What we do in applications that are part of the KDE Applications bundle
> (knights is not) is basically you have one stable relesae and one
> development branch, if those are KF5 or kdelibs4 based is up to the
> resepective maintainers.
Ok. I'd like to do the following as next:
1. push Manoharan's diff to master and cherry-pick two or three relevant 
commits from frameworks to master
2. Continue the development of the kf5-based version in master (there will be 
no kdelibs/Qt4-version anymore), mainly bug fixing and small polishment at the 
3. After couple of weeks we should have the application in a good shape ready 
to be released (v2.6.0). I'd vote for adding knights to KDE Applications - 
every desktop has or should have a chess application 
4. For further development a new developmet branch will be created after the 
next release.

Any objections here?

> Sure it can be added to https://www.kde.org/applications/games/ But you
> understand that the content to go there is very minimal right? if we want
> something bigger it needs to go somewhere else.
At the moment we don't have any content for knights. The old blog is gone. I 
thought of adding this application with a minimal description to that central 
place just to show that the application is alive and is (will be) part of KDE 
Applications. Currently, knights is quite good already for playing local games 
and games on FICS and it's nice looking. Just couple of annoying bugs and 
smaller features need to be fixed and developed. I don't think there's much 
need now to create a full-fledged page for it. Maybe later, when we decide 
knights to become a chess database like application like scid, it makes sence 
to create a dedicated homepage and to blog about the new features like the 
previous author of knights did.

What about the page on kde-apps?
I don't expect the previous author to update this content anymore...


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