[Kde-games-devel] New card game for kde, first contribution

Shlomi Fish shlomif at shlomifish.org
Wed Jun 17 06:31:42 UTC 2015

Hi Oli,

see below for my response.

On Wed, 17 Jun 2015 09:25:23 +1000
Olivier Attaque <olivattaque at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Let me introduce myself first as this is my first ever post for kde, my
> name is Olivier Felt (but Oli is fine), I'm a french software engineer and
> I currently live in Brisbane, Australia.
> I wanted to contribute to kde for a long time and I finally did the step a
> few weeks ago by working on a new card game based on kPat, but slighty
> different than an usual kPat type of game.
> I have others plans/ideas (kdeedu, plasma, krecipes) but it seemed like a
> good place to start contributing for kde and get familiar (again) with c++.
> I set up a virtual box based on the kubuntu CI iso for my development
> purposes and I succeed to go through all steps to be able to build kpat.
> I was also able to develop most of the features I wanted for this game,
> even if i still struggle with some points.
> But before going any further, I wanted to show you my progress and ask you
> some questions i have in mind and one particularly to drive my future
> developments.
> As I said I'm working on a new card game for kPat but slighty different as
> it is a 2 player card game, I'm talking about crapette or also known as
> Russian Bank/Klondike Battle which I named "Krapette". You can see the
> rules here http://www.pagat.com/patience/crapette.html. It is a really fun
> and challenging patience game.
> My first and main concern is if i should develop this new game inside of
> kPat or aside.
> Krapette really fit inside kPat because it's basicaly a Klondike but played
> by 2 players, with the same idea and rules of a patience game. Therefore I
> use a lot of the logic from kPat (dealer.cpp, patpile.cpp, pileutils etc).
> I play to it the same way i would play to klondike or spider. But it is a 2
> players game (I developed a basic AI as a start) and it might need a few
> modifications to kPat to solve some remaining issues I have (for example :
> win/lost message, using KgDifficulty, change what appear in the
> statusBar..) or not maybe I can already do it but don't know how yet.
> How could I share my work with you so you can try it to have a better idea
> of what I'm talking about ?
> I was thinking of creating a personal clone of kPat but I need a developer
> account for that, for that developer account I need previous work on kde
> but this is my first one.

You don't need a developer account for that. Since I believe KPat is maintained
in a git repository
( https://www.kde.org/applications/games/kpatience/development ), you can
set up a clone on a code-sharing site:

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_source_code_hosting_facilities 

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forge_%28software%29

The one that seems the most popular currently is GitHub, and I indeed do
enjoy using it, but there are many others. Anyway, people can pull changesets
from that modified clone of your there and merge them if they want. 

> I created a patch that i can send you via the mailing list otherwise.

Ah, I'm not sure if the mailing list is the most appropriate venue for that. A
remote and modified repository will be a better solution I think.


	Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
Interview with Ben Collins-Sussman - http://shlom.in/sussman

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