[Kde-games-devel] KMahjongg archaeology

Ian Wadham iandw.au at gmail.com
Sat Jan 10 05:55:05 UTC 2015

Hello Roney,

It has been a while since we talked… :-)  Thanks very much for
stepping forward.  I also would like to help out with sorting the
various patches and branches of KMahjongg into a coherent whole.

@Laurent Montel:
Please could you advise us on what might be the best/easiest workflow
for getting Christian's, Jan-Peter's and Laurent's changes all into one
branch (i.e. the "frameworks" branch)?  This is so that everything can be
tested before it goes back into master and gets released in Applications 15.04
as a KDE 4 or KF5 app --- depending on how far we get…

I notice that the first freeze is on 25 February.

Does the release schedule really need 3 Betas and a Release Candidate
(as used to occur for full releases of KDE 4 and KDE 4 libraries)?  It would
be nice to have a little more pre-freeze time up our sleeves...

On 10/01/2015, at 11:50 AM, Roney Gomes wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 4, 2015 at 6:22 AM, Ian Wadham <iandw.au at gmail.com> wrote:
>> So now we have divergent streams of work on KMahjongg:
>>  - A released version of KMahjongg, using obsolete graphics,
>>  - Laurent's port of existing KMahjongg to KF5, using obsolete graphics,
>>  - Christian's port of KMahjongg to QGraphicsView --- branch "qgraphic", unmerged,
>>  - The patch in the above ReviewBoard entry,
>>  - A whole slew of Jan-Peter Nilsson's patches on Bugzilla and ReviewBoard,
>>    some of which may clash with Christian's "qgraphic" branch.
>> What to do?  I really hate to see good work slipping away.
> I vote for prioritizing Christian's porting work. The main reasons
> being that we really do not have enough people to maintain the games,
> so when someone arrives and kindly disposes some time to pick one of
> them and move it away from a deprecated and no longer maintained API
> we should grab the opportunity and thankfully accept this person's
> work.

I agree entirely, Roney.  Christian actually did this work back in 2012,
when you were porting some other games to QGV.  Somehow, it never
got merged… :-(

> Of course the same idea applies to Jan-Peter recent patches, but I
> believe the port is more important in this case since there's more
> people familiar to QGraphicsView than to KGameCanvas, which makes the
> game more prone to receiving contributions. Furthermore, we can't
> really afford maintaining a game using an abandoned API.

Absolutely.  I could not agree more.

> So I propose the following: let's merge "qgraphic" into master and
> check whether the bugs fixed by Jan-Peter still persist, if so, we can
> update his patches so they make sense according to the new code
> structure. I'm sure I can find some time for this and help Jan-Peter
> on that, if he agrees, naturally.

As I said, I can help too, but ATM I can only "eyeball" KF5 changes.
I cannot yet build and test KF5 apps on my MacBook.

Are you able to test KF5 games, Roney?

All the best, Ian W.

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